Student module allows the student to view academic details. Students can view timetable, allotted teacher details, personal profile, allotted subjects, attendance, events, holidays and exam related activities. Students can also access library, hostel and transport details through this module.


Allows the teacher to manage student’s academic progress and details and to view and manage their personal profiles. The module is divided into two sections class teacher and teacher. Teachers and class teachers can view profile of students, whom they are teaching, view and manage student attendance records, assignments and home works, class test and special classes.


This module connects all the modules which have cash/bank transactions. All major accounting related tasks can be performed through this module. Automatic journal entries are posted to the journals from respective modules when an account is changed. Report generation supports, journals, ledger, cashbook, daybook, petty cash book, trial balance and balance sheet.


Parents module allows parents to interact with school and to view their wards profile, updates and notifications. Parent can view ward’s class teacher details, timetable, syllabus, and upcoming exams. Fees due and previous fees paid details can be viewed. Exam, class test and internal marks results are shown in graphical representation for ease of understanding. Customized reminder for upcoming exams can be configured by the parent. Dashboard displays all the important activities of parent module on the home page itself. Circulars and notices posted by school are also shown on this module.


This module manages the process of assigning & maintaining the buses and other vehicles easier. This Module will keep the records of students using conveyance, routes etc. Vehicles and driver details can be added into the system. Vehicle maintenance and fuel consumption logs can be easily added and retrieved. Vehicle routes can be customized with boarding points and student, staffs can be allotted to this vehicle. Drivers can be allotted to different buses as per requirement. Vehicle log can be added and displayed for tracking. Customized circulars can be issued for particular route.


Manage print materials like books, journals and magazines along with CD, DVD and E-Journals. It maintains all acquisition register, stock register and reports. Using acquisition module, user can add, edit and update book details. Subscriptions are configurable. It is also integrated into teacher, student and parent module. Book readers can search books and get their availability status. Option to notify when books are available. Library default lends time and fine rates can be customized. Search/manage to whom book has been lend. Lost/damaged/discarded books can be flagged.


Helps to manage the academic structure such as syllabus structure, timetable creation, time slot creation, academic calendar and other academic info. Features include Holidays, extracurricular activities, academic year, reminders, Thought for the day, teacher allocation management. Terms and Examination can be configured. Circulars can be added. Complaint box is integrated. School activity club’s can be easily configured.


Stock management module manages the stock available at school. Vendors can be added, updated, disabled or even blacklisted. Stock categories and items can be added and customized according to user requirements. Barcode generation is also supported. Items can be sold using the sales menu. Stock reports are available for tracking of remaining and sold items.


This module offers a full featured accommodation system for staff and students, to efficiently manage the residential facility in the school. Reducing the staff & paper works, this hostel accommodation software will keep the updated records of students, staffs, transfer room and other facilities. Types of room can be categorized on the basis of facilities provided. Room accommodation strength can be configured for each type of room. User can search any profile of student or staff residing inside hostel. Accurate tracking of occupants can be achieved through this module. Students leave notification is integrated here.


HR & Payroll module allows the proper management of all staffs and faculty with payroll details. Options to Add / Update Employee official details are available. Other important features include Pay Slip generation on monthly basis, Leave management, Attendance Management, Complaints Management, and Employee ID card printing.


Registry module manages classes and batches. This module helps to assign classes, divisions, room number, stream, subjects, education level and admission for students.


Finance Management module manages all finance related details of the school. All important tasks such as fee management, pending and paid fees, fines and discount can be performed using this module.

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